Yes. Another page. And this one not too much longer since the last. At least it's in the same month this time. Go me.
I'm looking into getting this comic published on like an actual site and stuff, but for now, here and my devart page are where it is being hosted for the forseeable future. Thanks for everyone who is actually reading this. It's good to know that I'm not just posting into the void of cyberspace.
About the page itself. I tried to be a little more artsy with this one. There are some mixups with perspective which is nice, though I completely copped out on some of the cleanup I was supposed to do and... Well, if you're wondering why they are now hanging out on featureless plane instead of a small dirt road through a forest, it's because I neglected to draw any background.
Go Team Lazy Ass.
In any case, here is a new page, as usual apologies to Nick for butchering his well written script to make it fit onto the page, it's never as funny when I'm done with it and for that I do not deserve to live. But you still are writing for me, so that's nice of you.
Good job with the comic, looked great even without backgrounds! I'm looking forward to seeing more comics, and like I said before, you may want to advertise your comic with personal friends. As for making the script fit, maybe use a point or two smaller font size? No need to beat yourself up about cropping the script, just try to find a solution, and if you can't find one, at least you tried.
It's not just "fitting" it on the page. There are somethings that work as the spoken word or a movie or a book or a video game or whatever that Do. Not. Work. when you are writing a comic. I have to fit the words with the pictures, and I can't just have endless word bubbles and faces (unless I wanna be just like every one else, ever) because that's tacky, lame, and not fun to read or look at. Thanks for advice though.
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