-Marvin the Martian.
So I'm going to be putting off the comic for a longer time. I have decided, partly thanks to the advice of the people at the MegaTokyo Forums, to put some (a lot) of time into learning how to draw better. I'll continue to put up some of my sketches as I work along, but don't expect any new pages for a while. In fact, expect for there to be a new attempt at the first couple of pages in some time in the future, but not any time soon. I need more work. I want to be the very best. Like no one ever was. And all that jazz.
Anyways, in other news, I am now 19!!! I had my birthday yesterday, and my good friends and roommates, Nick and Jacob took me out to a Chinese place for it, which was really nice. Later that night, the entire dorm hall came along and gave me some cake and sang happy birthday. They only did it because they had cake laying around that they needed to get rid of, but it was still nice. So I enjoyed my birthday far more than I thought I would. Squee, I guess.
I guess here's a little thing for you guys too look at. It's pretty lame.... just a doodle of characters from the story on some lined paper that got folded. I would have included the picture I drew on a napkin from a Chinese restaurant, but that got shredded in the dryer. So there you go.